• Telnet Ringdown server

    From AKAcastor@21:1/162 to j0HNNY a1PHA on Thursday, February 22, 2024 21:42:18
    I did a bit of cleanup and some basic documentation for my Telnet Ringdown server project. https://github.com/akacastor/ringdown

    # ringdown 0.50
    Telnet Ringdown server to accept connections and proxy them to a list of addresses/ports.

    ## About the Telnet Ringdown server

    _Why use the Telnet Ringdown server?_

    * Accept multiple connections to a port and connect them to a list of addresses/ports.
    * Connections can be forwarded to another IP for use as a telnet reverse proxy. * Bot detection: Reduce the number of connections from IP scanners attempting default credential logins.

    ## Building the Telnet Ringdown server

    Build in Linux by typing:


    ## Operating the Telnet Ringdown server

    Command line options:
    -h display help screen
    -c <conf_filename> specify configuration filename
    -l <log_filename> log file
    -v <n> set log verbosity (1=FATAL,2=ERROR,3=WARN,4=INFO,5=DEBUG) ```
    When an IP is banned, it will be added to ringdown.ban.

    If ringdown.ban is edited, it will be reloaded by the Telnet Ringdown server. This can be used to manually add/remove IPs on the ban list.

    If a client connects and its IP is found in the ban list, the client will be shown the file banned.txt and disconnected.

    If a client connects and ringdown is unable to open a connection with a server, the client will be shown the file failed_to_connect.txt and disconnected.

    ## Caller ID

    The server (destaddr who accepted our connection) may transmit a delay of 1 second, followed by the escape sequence `}}}SOURCEIP?`, followed by a delay of 1 second, to retrieve a string like `{}` with the client's IP address. The use of }}} in the escape code is chosen to not conflict with other softmodem implementations that may be using +++ already.

    ## Bot detection

    When client is first connected to server, the Telnet Ringdown server will monitor data sent by the client to the server. If an attempt at a default credentials login is detected, the client's IP will be temporarily banned from connecting.

    The bot detection is intended to have limited risk of false positives - we don't want to accidentally ban non-malicious clients. Two features to support this are:
    * If the client sends an Esc keypress (0x1B), bot detection is disabled.
    * After 'bot_detect_time' seconds, the bot detection is disabled.

    The client pressing escape to enter the BBS is considered a sign that they are not a bot. If an escape keypress is not received, 'bot_detect_time' will expire by the time the front-end mailer times out and passes control to the BBS for login, reducing chance of BBS login triggering a false positive.

    Set log level to DEBUG (`-v 5`) to log suspicious strings detect during client connections.
    * `login attempt from 'hikvision'`
    * add `bad_word hikvision` to ringdown.conf to ban bots using this login attempt.

    ## Configuring the Telnet Ringdown server

    Edit configuration options in ringdown.conf

    ; telnet ringdown configuration
    ; you must have at least one listenaddr
    ; after listenaddr, specify a list of destaddr (one or more)

    ; listen on address * for all interfaces
    listenaddr *:23


    ;listenaddr *:2320

    ; failmsg specifies file to send client when no server is available
    ; comment out failmsg to disable
    failmsg failed_to_connect.txt

    ; if there is no data from destaddr after 5 seconds of connection, move on to next destaddr
    ; this is useful in case a node is hung but the telnet connection is accepted - after 5 seconds we move on
    no_answer_time 5

    ; time (milliseconds) that must be idle before receiving escape sequence from destaddr
    escape_pre_time 800

    ; time (milliseconds) that must be idle after receiving escape sequence from destaddr
    escape_post_time 800

    ; escape sequence that will trigger {SOURCEIP} being sent to destaddr escape_seq_sourceip }}}SOURCEIP?

    ; ban time in minutes (for first attempt, will be multiplied by ban_multiplier on subsequent bans)
    ban_time 5

    ; factor by which to increase ban time with each attempt
    ban_multiplier 5

    ; maximum length of a ban in minutes (10080 = 1 week)
    max_ban_time 10080

    bannedmsg banned.txt

    ; how long to watch for suspicious login attempts, in seconds
    bot_detect_time 20

    ; how long to leave connection hanging after banning a bot
    bot_sleep_time 30

    ; list of words (case-insensitive) considered bot login attempts (ie: root, admin)
    bad_word 123
    bad_word 1234
    bad_word Administrator
    bad_word D-Link
    bad_word Epuser
    bad_word MAIL
    bad_word MD110
    bad_word NAU
    bad_word ONTUSER
    bad_word ______
    bad_word aaa
    bad_word admin
    bad_word admintelecom
    bad_word adminttd
    bad_word adtecftp
    bad_word apc
    bad_word beardropper sh shell
    bad_word bin
    bad_word browse
    bad_word cht
    bad_word daemon
    bad_word default
    bad_word fliruser
    bad_word ftp
    bad_word guest
    bad_word guest1
    bad_word home
    bad_word icinga
    bad_word init
    bad_word lnadmin
    bad_word manager
    bad_word mtch
    bad_word nil
    bad_word nobody
    bad_word ont
    bad_word pi
    bad_word remotessh
    bad_word root
    bad_word scmadmin
    bad_word sh
    bad_word steam
    bad_word stratacom
    bad_word super
    bad_word superadmin
    bad_word support
    bad_word supportadmin
    bad_word telecomadmin
    bad_word telnet
    bad_word telnetadmin
    bad_word test
    bad_word ubnt
    bad_word user
    bad_word useradmin
    bad_word usuario
    bad_word vadmin
    bad_word vstarcam2015
    bad_word wradmin
    bad_word zyfwp
    bad_word hikvision

    ## Software architecture

    ### main()

    * read config file
    * for each listenaddr[] create a thread: listen_port()
    * watch for updates to ringdown.ban and reload

    ### listen_port() (thread)

    * bind to address:port and listen for a connection
    * connection received:
    * check IP address against ban list - display banned msg & disconnect if in list and current
    * create a thread: serve_client()
    * wait for next connection

    ### serve_client() (thread)

    * go through destaddr[] list and attempt to connect
    * when connection is successful, call passthru_connection() to link client and dest

    ### passthru_connection()

    * receive data from client and send to dest
    * receive data from dest and send to client
    * bot detection happens here also

    --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30
    * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - another.tel (21:1/162)
  • From Dumas Walker@21:1/175 to AKAcastor on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 14:27:24
    Re: Telnet Ringdown server
    By: AKAcastor to j0HNNY a1PHA on Thu Feb 22 2024 21:42:18

    I did a git and tried the ringdown this afternoon. Pretty neat. One thing I noticed
    is that if I manually add an address to ringdown.ban and then start ringdown, the dat
    appears to get emptied out and I am able to connect from the banned address.

    Is this the expected behavior?

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (21:1/175)
  • From AKAcastor@21:1/162 to Dumas Walker on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 11:59:28
    I did a git and tried the ringdown this afternoon.
    Pretty neat. One thing I noticed
    is that if I manually add an address to ringdown.ban
    and then start ringdown, the dat
    appears to get emptied out and I am able to connect
    from the banned address.

    Ringdown is ignoring any lines that don't have an expiration timestamp and count of # of times the ban has been triggered. 1709149268 1

    First column is the IP, second is unix timestamp indicating when the ban expires, and third column is the number of times this IP has been banned.

    A work-around would be to use: 2147483647 0

    Where 2147483647 is the maximum unix timestamp (Jan 18 2038), closest thing to a permanent ban currently.

    More friendly behaviour would probably be to assume any line with only an IP, or with an expiration time of 0, should be considered a permanent ban - I will add this to my todo list.

    Thanks for trying out the telnet ringdown server and especially thanks for feedback!


    --- Maximus 3.01
    * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - another.tel (21:1/162)
  • From AKAcastor@21:1/162 to Dumas Walker on Thursday, February 29, 2024 20:53:12
    One thing I noticed is that if I manually add an address to ringdown.ban and then start ringdown, the dat data
    appears to get emptied out and I am able to connect
    from the banned address.

    Is this the expected behavior?

    Updated version of ringdown (0.53) on github is now a bit friendlier about reading lines added to ringdown.ban, and also allows for permanent bans.

    Also new, ringdown will count the # of times a banned IP attempts to connect (the fourth column in ringdown.ban - connect_attempts). It doesn't currently do anything with this data but it is saved for us in ringdown.ban.

    From README.md:

    Entries can be added to ringdown.ban, it is not necessary to include the second, third, or fourth columns if you want to set them all to 0 (permanent ban). If ringdown.ban is modified while ringdown is running, the change will be detected and new entries in the ban list will be recognized. Note that ringdown will rewrite ringdown.ban any time a banned IP attempts to connect, be aware of conditions where the file may change while open for editing.

    To add a (permanent) ban of, you might use:

    echo >> ringdown.ban


    --- Maximus 3.01
    * Origin: Another Millennium - Canada - another.tel (21:1/162)
  • From Dumas Walker@21:1/175 to AKAcastor on Friday, March 01, 2024 18:17:38

    Updated version of ringdown (0.53) on github is now a bit friendlier about reading lines added to ringdown.ban, and also allows for permanent bans.

    Thanks, I will check that out!

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (21:1/175)