• Starfield

    From Jagossel@21:1/194 to Nodoka Hanamura on Sunday, November 05, 2023 15:22:51
    Re: Starfield
    By: Nodoka Hanamura to All on Sat Nov 04 2023 06:02 am

    What are your guys' thoughts? You enjoying the game at all?

    I am going to venture a guess of, "No" becaue I hadn't played Starfield in a few weeks now. I have Xbox Game Pass, and I *have* to play it on Xbox Cloud Gaming (my Xbox is only an Xbox One S, and my GPU on my gaming laptop is constantly pegged at 100% if I try to play it there). I get confused during the space part because I am so used to the control from Elite Dangerous.

    Can't say that I like Stsrfield. Just about every mission I play involves shooting someone and that's not how I want to play. I gave up Elite months ago because I got tired of the grind.

    Oh well...
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS 21:1/194 bbs.dmine.net:24 (21:1/194)
  • From Nodoka Hanamura@21:1/158 to SirRonmit on Monday, November 06, 2023 04:21:37
    On 04 Nov 2023, SirRonmit said the following...
    I was so tired of people comparing it to other games, and all I could think of was if you want to compare it, then compare it to MASS EFFECT! (Which I LOVE TOTALLY!! and have all of them - XBOX and PS)

    I've never played ME, but I've heard nothing but praises about it (outside of ME3 from what I recall), and I get being tired of people comparing it to other games, believe me, I do - but the space components alone are so lacking that I can't help myself. Even with the on-foot limitations, I have no problems with on foot activity - in fact, the fact that it forces you to pace yourself with the stamina system is nice, lets you take in the scenery more.

    The game is ok for itself (IMO), but I still love Mass Effect better. Starfield seemed like it TOTALLY ripped off items from ME in places, and that made me almost want to sell it.

    Not trying to nitpick, but nothing truly is wholly original these days. :)

    Nodoka Hanamura
    Nugget BBS SysOp @ NeoCincinnati BBS

    Born too late to experience the scene.
    Born too early to go back in time.
    Born at the right time to look back.

    ... Help! I can't find the "ANY" key.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, Uk. bbs.erb.pw (21:1/158)
  • From Nodoka Hanamura@21:1/158 to All on Saturday, November 04, 2023 06:02:39
    Heya guys, been a while but since I couldn't really find a topic to chime in on in general, wanted to ask what people's thoughts are on Starfield to break the ice.

    I got my hands on a copy to try out about a month ago and suffice to say I was kinda unimpressed by it. As someone who grew up with Freelancer and the sort, It just felt.. dissapointing that 20 years later Bethesda manages to take all these great strides forward, only to take a Paralyzer missile to the lower body when it comes to travelling around. The game felt so disjointed and disconnected from one area to the next that it felt more like I was playing the loading screen game than I was an RPG.

    I know people have griped about others wanting it to be a space sim when in reality a lot of people just want something like Freelancer and Fallout 4 put into a nice, tasty, delectable salad, with all the nice fixings.

    That was what I was hoping Starfield would be, but the fact that it's like Skyrim in Space but without the vast overworld to explore, speaks magnitudes about how dated some of both Bethesda's tech and their ideas are.. It says a lot when playing Starfield makes me want to play Elite Dangerous more. At least with Elite you know you're going in for a space sim.. with this, I find it difficult to call it an RPG - You can't really call it one when the immersion factor is so low you could see it flatlining if it was hooked up to an ECG.

    Doesn't help things that the modding community won't be able to do much until the Creation Kit comes out next year, and even then a lot of mod devs have sworn off Starfield already, if my FO4 modder friend Wheaton is to be believed.

    I guess after all these years of fixing Bethesda's other messes, they had enough. I can't blame them.

    What are your guys' thoughts? You enjoying the game at all?

    Nodoka Hanamura
    Nugget BBS SysOp @ NeoCincinnati BBS

    Born too late to experience the scene.
    Born too early to go back in time.
    Born at the right time to look back.

    ... Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, Uk. bbs.erb.pw (21:1/158)
  • From SirRonmit@21:2/120 to Nodoka Hanamura on Saturday, November 04, 2023 13:10:16
    I bought the special edition and was really looking forward to it.

    I was totally disappointed with the graphics at first, but the SPACE graphics made up for it -- sorta like you said, to me it was like two different teams in two different countries worked on different areas of the game and then they stitched them together.

    I was so tired of people comparing it to other games, and all I could think of was if you want to compare it, then compare it to MASS EFFECT! (Which I LOVE TOTALLY!! and have all of them - XBOX and PS)

    The game is ok for itself (IMO), but I still love Mass Effect better. Starfield seemed like it TOTALLY ripped off items from ME in places, and that made me almost want to sell it.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Files 4 Fun BBS (21:2/120)
  • From j0HNNY a1PHA@21:4/158 to SirRonmit on Saturday, November 04, 2023 14:54:18
    The game is ok for itself (IMO), but I still love Mass Effect better. Star seemed like it TOTALLY ripped off items from ME in places, and that made m almost want to sell it.

    I picked up copy but haven't really got past one of the first off-planet missions. Combat is clunky, but the space battle parts are sort of fun. I guess I need to give it more time...

    I bought Alan Wake 2 this weekend, busting that out tonight!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: R3TR0/X BBS (21:4/158)