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1st Choice Core received these following files
Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod1112.zip 944519 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)
Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod1113.zip 3504454 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)
Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod1114.zip 1070685 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)
Area : FSX_NODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z20 12342 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet
Area : FSX_INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip 160498 Weekly infopack for fsxNet
Area : nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodelist.z20 38374 Fidonet nodelist for 2024-11-15 (320)
Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod1115.zip 1471103 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)
Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod1116.zip 178912 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)
All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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