Uploaded Mon Jun 06 2022 10:36 pm
____________________ ___ __ _____ __5m __ \ \ ! | _/^\ \| | | \_/ | <_ /> | : | _>__| | : | | | __/ | <| | ! | \_/ | |___\|___|___|_____/___\___|_ ___|___|___| .─────────────────────────────────────────. : ·· p r o d u c t i o n s ·· : ╠═══ ─-───── ── ────────────────---─-═══╣ │ filename / PN-ANSiTV1-03.zip │ : mod : Users make their own ANSI TV show : bbs software : Mystic : author : DrClaw : │ released : 05/22/22 │ ├---─---------------------------------─---┤ │ desc: Version 1.03 This allows the users│ : to create their own ANSI TV Show based : . on ANSI art you add in the art directory. : it saves baud rate and slections per user ╠══──-─-─────────────────────────---─-──══╣ : [ ] win [X] linux [ ] mac : : [ ] amiga [ ] c64 5m : ╚══─-─-────────────────────----------───══╝ https://www.phenomprod.comxq-sysinfo.zip (20K)
Uploaded Mon Apr 25 2022 06:21 pm
/\_________/\______/\______/\_______ \\ / // _\ / / / / / __/ / / / __/ / /____/ \ __/jp! //____/ \__ / ___/ /___/ \ ==== /______\/ /==\_____// =/______\\== ::::::::::://____\::::::::::::::2022::::: ,---------------------------------------. : SysInfo v1.0 // mpy : `---------------------------------------' Display various information about your BBS, the visitor/user and Internet connectivity. A small script with the looks of old DOS programs... ,---------------------------------------. Mystic BBS // MPY // Linux % RPi `---------------------------------------'